As this book goes to press, crucial events are taking place in the region and are unfolding at a dramatical and hectic pace. Only time will tell where we are heading and what will be the short and long-range impact of current occurrences. These events, and subsequent developments, are impacting on the day-to-day relations between Egypt and Israel. It is important to complete the overall picture presented in this book and put, once again, the assumptions and premises that I have lain before the reader to the test of reality. I shall, therefore, sum up very briefly and schematically what has happened since the joint letter of 27 June 1999 sent by Yitshak Oron and myself to Prime Minister Ehud Barak (see pp. 338-9). Being retired, I have no first hand information but I have followed with a professional eye the events and commentary in the press, and I think that I am presenting a fairly accurate and objective account.