If you were asked to establish a physical and mental training programme for shot-putters, the task would be relatively straightforward. They must propel a 16-lb iron ball as far as possible after having shifted themselves rapidly across a seven-foot circle. Biomechanically, you would suggest that they start from a low position with the shot on their neck and in a position opposite to the intended direction of the throw. They would thrust themselves in a low backward position, and then explosively, with the transfer of energy from their legs to the twisting torso and finally to the arms and fingers, to finally propel the shot during the release. Physiologically speaking, you would train strength and speed of the legs, developing torque speed and arm power prior to the release. Psychologically, you would train the athlete to get pumped up emotionally and to keep in mind self-talk words such as ‘drive’ and ‘explode’. It is pretty straightforward stuff, right?