Com. Bukharin: I suggest that at this stage of development we only ask one question, namely the question of our policy with regard to the black trade union.4 What are we supposed to do with this issue, if we do not succeed in the struggle against the expulsions?5 This is a resolution about a concrete issue. Perhaps we should accept an additional resolution about the Brussels congress, but this is a directive which has already been defined in the general resolution about the Brussels congress. One could accept it as a separate resolution. [ . . . ]

Com. solution to this question. I believe that it is disavow their delegates who are expelled by our6 power in the struggle for our policy in the trade unions. On the other hand, I am against the immediate organisation of a new trade union. This would be a mistake in the other direction. The situation is rather difficult here. We have rather limited influence and there is a danger that we would be isolated. If we start organising a new trade union immediately we lose the trump card in the struggle for trade union unity. Since in this case the issue is the black trade union we would lose politically.