Our C.P.S.A. conference has ended last week. The majority are still not satisfied with the new slogan, the South African delegates to the 6th World Congress of the C.I. are trying to convince the majority for that slogan, but all in vain. The new Slogan has and still is doing the Revolutionary Movement a lot of harm. The C.I. should quickly reconsider their decision on the matter. The R.I.L.U. can do us gd2 by considering the Black Republic more especially from a revolutionary Trade Union point of view. Tell Comrades Losovsky, Bucharin, Stalin and the C.I. Secretariat for dealing with the Negro problems, also the ‘Agitprop’. The Federation of Non-European Trades Unions, representing about 2,808 black workers, consider the Black Republic slogan a mistake, and that a ‘Workers and Peasants Republic’ would really rally the black and white workers in this country. Since this new slogan many workers seem not interested, white as well as black.