In Malaysia, there has been a tremendous increase in construction of residential buildings RQKLOOVLWHVRYHUWKHODVW\HDUVHVSHFLDOO\GXHWRGHSOHWLQJÀDWODQGDQGRWKHULQÀXHQFing factors like beautiful scenery, fresh air, exclusiveness, etc. Often hill-site development is related to landslides, and safety of buildings on hill-sites is often a topic of discussion among engineers and the public. The truth is hill-site development can be safe with proper planning, design, construction and maintenance. This chapter presents brief guidelines on WKHHQJLQHHULQJDVSHFWVRIKLOOVLWHGHYHORSPHQW$VLPSOL¿HGFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIODQGVOLGHULVN for hill-site development and recommendations by The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) will also be discussed in this chapter together with the current legislation related to hill-site development in Malaysia.