In 1479 the Nuremberg barber, surgeon and poet Hans Folz published a text in his own print shop, 1 giving it the following title:

Item ein krieg den der dichter dises Spruchs gehapt / hat wider einen iuden mit dem er wandret vnd wie / er im all sein frag verantwurt vnd yn inn seiner eygen / schrift überwant vnd beschloß als das nachfolgent / gedieht ciar erzelt vnd aus weyst / Gedruckt von hansen volczen von wurmß bar-wirer / wonhafft zu nurmberg Im Mcccc vnd lxxix Iare. 2

[Concerning a combat that the author of this work had with a Jew with whom he was traveling, and how he answered all the latter’s questions and defeated him with the aid of his own scriptures, thus bringing the combat to an end, as the following poem clearly narrates and demonstrates. Printed by Hans Folz, Barber of Worms, domiciled in Nuremberg, in the year 1479]