Listed companies must notify the Company Announcements Office, without delay (by the end of the business day following receipt of the information by the company), of any information disclosed to them relating to certain major interests in their share capital.115 The notification must also include the date on which the information was disclosed to the company and, if known, the date on which the transaction was effected.116 A listed company must notify the Company Announcements Office of any information which is obtained by it pursuant to a ‘212 notice’,117 without delay (by the end of the business day following receipt of the information), where it has become apparent that an interest in shares exists or has been increased or reduced or has ceased to exist and that this should have but has not been disclosed to the company pursuant to ss 198 to 208 of the Companies Act 1985.118 A listed company must also notify the Company Announcements Office of any information relating to interests in securities which is disclosed to it.119 Amongst other matters, the notification must state the date on which the disclosure was made to the company, the nature of the transaction and the nature and extent of the interest of the director in the transaction.120