Surveyors are often asked to help with the preparation of a client's asbestos management plan. Any management plan for asbestos must be consistent with other systems the client uses to manage contractors. The management plan must be reviewed at regular intervals and the management plan must be implemented. Many dutyholders will find the prospect of the management plan daunting in terms of time and resources, and the mere presence of asbestos in their premises is likely to be an emotive subject with employees or tenants. The total removal would have to be justified with a cost benefit analysis or Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), balancing the lives and attendant costs saved against the cost of removal. In many situations the client will wish to label asbestos materials as such if that is their corporate policy. The re-inspection of ACMs needs to be done, according to guidance in the ACoP L127, 'as a minimum, every six to twelve months.