Mr Kaj Raninen was called up for military service but objected to performing any kind of military or substitute civilian service. As a consequence he was arrested, detained on remand, prosecuted and sentenced to imprisonment on several occasions. On 5 October 1992 he was discharged from his military service for one year. On 16 February 1993 the applicant lodged a petition with the Parliamentary Ombudsman complaining in particular about the deprivation of his liberty and his handcuffing while being transported to the prison. The Ombudsman considered that the applicant’s arrest on 18 June 1992 had lacked a legal basis. He complained of the deprivation of his liberty and treatment by the authorities. Comm found by majority (20-10) V 3, (23-7) no separate issue under 8, unanimously V 5(1) and no separate issue under 5(2).