Mr Abdullah Sur worked in a jeweller’s shop in Istanbul. It was alleged that, when asked by a customer to melt down some pieces of gold, he had added some copper to the gold he had been given, thus devaluing it. Following a complaint by the customer concerned, the applicant was arrested and taken into police custody at the security police headquarters. He lodged a complaint with the Istanbul public prosecutor against the police officers who had questioned him during his detention in police custody. He accused them of ill-treating him in order to extract a confession. He asserted in particular that he had been blindfolded for part of the time, that he had been beaten with sticks and fists and that electric shocks had been administered to his hands, feet and testicles. The public prosecutor, having noted that the applicant had not been able to identify the police officers who had allegedly inflicted the ill-treatment, ordered the discontinuation of the proceedings. The applicant complained of the ill-treatment inflicted by police officers while he was in police custody and of the fact that he had not had an effective remedy, in that the public prosecutor dealing with his complaint against those officers had discontinued the proceedings against them. Comm found unanimously V 3.