The applicants, Ms Azize Mentes, Ms Mahile Turhalli and Ms Sulhiye Turhalli and Ms Sariye Uvat lived in south-east Turkey. Relying on A 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14 and 18 they complained that their homes had been burnt and that they had been forcibly and summarily expelled from their village by State security forces on 25 June 1993. The fourth applicant also invoked A 2 in relation to the death of her twins who were born prematurely after her expulsion from her home. Comm found with respect to the first three applicants, by majority (27-1) V 8, (26-2) V 3, unanimously NV 5, (26-2) V 6, (26-2) V 13, unanimously NV 14 or 18, with regard to the fourth applicant, unanimously NV 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14 and 18.