It contains the full text of Hansard (the official transcript of everything that is said in Parliament) and details of forthcoming House business in both the Lords and the Commons, together with the full text of Bills and proposed amendments to them. The site is indexed (click on ‘Index’ on the welcoming page or ‘Site Map’) and contains a lot of downloadable material, ranging from details of the names and constituencies of MPs and Lords and House of Commons Information Office factsheets (abbreviated to HCIO on the site), which explain parliamentary procedure and most frequently asked questions. Indeed, the information on MPs contains links to websites of MPs and email connections (reach this by clicking on ‘House of Commons’, then ‘Information about the House of Commons and Members of Parliament’). If you scroll to the end of the index and click on ‘Search’, you can enter keywords and will be given a list of occasions on which that keyword has come up in the Houses of Parliament. I found this site invaluable during the campaign, as it is updated daily. There are occasional lapses in the updating, however, so I also used the human based guides to Parliament.