Leadership: Tabaré Vázquez Batlle (party Pres., national presidential candidate 1994 and 1999), Jorge Brovetto (party Vice-Pres.), Rodolfo Nin Noboa (national vice-presidential candidate 1994 and 1999)

Address: Colonia 1367, 2°, 11100 Montevideo Telephone: (2) 902-2176

A-Z 128

E-mail: presfa@adinet.com.uy Internet: https://www.epfaprensa.org/ The Progressive Encounter-Broad Front alliance is a broad alliance of left and left-of-

centre political forces, based on the Broad Front originally formed to resist the military Government. It currently comprises 19 different political parties and movements although not all of its constituent members have congressional representation. The Front has campaigned vigorously against the government’s neo-liberal policies, but has lately moderated its own political programme in order to attract voters from the centre.