Henry Dixey played Adonis for just as long as Golden was Old Jed, but around this time he started to become heartily sick of his show and his role, and several times advised critics remarked that he was getting stale, or walking through his part. Henry Dixey needed a new vehicle. Many people who thought about such things thought he would not find one. At the end of the run of his famous show, the trade press had mused:

That giddy gossamer trash [Adonis] has had its day, so far as the New York public is concerned. Mr. Dixey will have to bend his mighty intellect and graceful legs to something else, and the question is whether in something else he will be able to repeat his Adonis hit is variously and speculatively answered. He is a neat and clever entertainer, but there seems to be an impression that in his present piece he has pretty nearly exhausted the little tricks and accomplishments that have proved his principal charm.