Towards the end of 1884, Willie Gill’s name was plastered all over the theatres of America. He had no less than seven successful plays I being performed all around the country. In the week of 17 November, he dominated the theatre scene in Philadelphia with Aimée opening at the Chestnut Street Opera House with Mam’zelle, Minnie Palmer at the Chestnut Street Theater with the eternal My Sweetheart, and John T. Raymond purveying In Paradise at the Walnut Street Theater. A Bottle of Ink and the Rice Surprise Party were not far away, playing Pittsburgh, the same week, while Adonis, of course, was still entrenched on Broadway. The Florences had just played what was now known as Our Governor at Boston’s Globe Theater before heading off for Canada, and little Corinne was still purveying The Magic Slipper in her and Jennie Kimball’s repertoire.