Whereas it appeareth to this court upon the presentment of the grand inquest of this county that many constables of hundreds now chosen are persons inconsiderable both for estates and qualifications, not knowing what is to be done in their offices, and that in many places in this county the office of tythingmanship by custom goeth from house to house so that the office is many times supplied by hired persons and the execution of justice very often neglected.2 This court doth therefore order and desire the Justices of the Peace of this county at their sessions and the stewards of hundreds at their court leets to take special care for the future that none be elected constables but such as are of abilities, knowledge, and known integrity, and that for the future there be no more deputy tithingmen suffered to serve in that office but such as shalbe allowed of under the hands of two of the Justices of the Peace of this county. And the undersheriff of this county is hereby required to send copies of this order to the several Justices of the Peace of this county, who are hereby desired to see the same put in execution.