In 1988 the Scottish Office published New life for urban Scotland. This proposed the creation of four partnership initiatives led by the Scottish Office: Castlemilk in Glasgow, Ferguslie Park in Paisley, Whitfield in Dundee and Wester Hailes in Edinburgh. The principles upon which the four partnerships were to operate were summed up in the subsequent Scottish Office report Progress in partnership. The three key principles were (Scottish Office 1993):

• an integrated approach to economic, social and physical regeneration firmly grounded in an initial analysis and long-term strategic plan (10 years); this requires partnership and concerted action across a wide range of public sector bodies;

• the inclusion of the private sector in partnership, both to secure the benefit of advice, expertise and resources, and to help breakdown the economic isolation of the areas;

• the full involvement of the local community in the decision-making process, partly to ensure that decisions taken reflect the needs of the community, but also to allow local people to take responsibility for their areas, thus securing the commitment required to ensure that improvements will be sustained in the long term.