Information from a number of cross-sectional

studies suggests that PAI-1 is positively

correlated with BMI.14-18 Swedish

investigators measured PAI-1 activity in 260

volunteers, aged between 30 and 60 years and

found a correlation between PAI-1 and BMI

in both men and women.14 In the North

Sweden MONICA study of 1,558 men and

women aged between 25 and 64 years,

haemostatic factors including PAI-1 activity

were measured and found to be correlated

with anthropometric measures, as well as

various other metabolic indices and blood

pressure.15 This study demonstrated a strong

correlation between PAI-1 and BMI. An

association between PAI-1 and adiposity has

also been demonstrated in children aged

between 7 and 11 years.18 It would seem that

even in early childhood, obesity is associated

with unfavourable changes in haemostatic

factors. Landin et al reported increased PAI-1

concentrations in obese subjects when

compared to a control group of lean women.19

The investigators went on to show that PAI-1

concentrations were significantly higher in 10