Poetry therapy and adolescent suicide* The therapeutic capacity of the language arts for adolescents has also received significant attention in the literature (e.g., Abell, 1998; Bow­ man, 1992; Cohen-Morales, 1989; DeMaria, 1991; Holman, 1996; Mazza, 1981b; Mazza, 1991a; Roscoe et al., 1985). The purpose of this chapter is to explore the role of poetry in the prevention of suicide, with particular attention paid to the aspects of choice and decision making as they relate to both poetry and therapy. The ego-enhancing qualities of deci­ sion making can improve self-esteem, contribute to healthy identity formation, and restore an element of control to the adolescent during a tumultuous transitional period. It is also clear that the perception of having no adequate alternatives to solve specific problems is a contrib­ uting factor in adolescent suicide attempts.