Core areas of learning in the NNS Framework for Teaching (DfEE 1999a) and the renewed Framework (DfES 2006) are summarised below. They illustrate average expectations at age 11 (end of Year 6).

Children should:

● have a sense of the number system, to approximate that 547 is just over a half of 1,000, and 9,874 is just under 10 per cent of 100,000

● know key facts – for example, number bonds, multiplication tables and halving and doubling

● use known facts to figure out answers mentally

● calculate efficiently, mentally or on paper, drawing from a range of calculation strategies

● make sense of number problems and recognise the operations needed to solve them

● explain methods and reasoning, using the correct mathematical terms

● judge that their answers are reasonable and have strategies for checking

● suggest suitable units for measuring and make sensible estimates of measurements

● explain and make predictions from information presented on graphs, charts, diagrams and tables.