Springfield First School is situated in the village of Snow Town, a rural village in Northumberland. The first school was built in 1697 and extensively modernised in 1911. It derives its name from the Reverend John Springfield. The school receives grants from the Springfield Educational Foundation on a regular basis. Pupils come from a range of backgrounds: many have long-established connections with the village, others have recently moved into the community. A significant number of pupils come from outside the catchment area. There is a nursery unit which offers part-time education to about 50 pupils. Most pupils attend the nursery for three terms prior to their entry to the Reception class at the start of the academic year in which they become five years old. The school aims to serve the needs of every pupil, enabling them to reach their full potential. In their last Ofsted inspection the following statement was written:

This is a good school with many significant strengths. The head teacher provides good professional leadership, a clear educational direction for the work of the school and is constantly trying to improve the quality of education that the school provides. The governors take an active part in school life and provide very good support and encouragement for the school. They are dedicated to providing a high standard of education for all pupils. Together with the staff, they work as a team and are largely successful in meeting the school's aims. Pupils’ attitudes and behaviour are good and this has a positive impact on their work and the standards that they attain. The personal development of pupils is effectively managed and, as a result, they show high levels of confidence and self-discipline. This makes a positive contribution to the purposeful, happy learning ethos within the school. Pupils who are under five respond well to the opportunities they are given and enjoy learning. Their behaviour is good and they are gaining in confidence and self-esteem. They relate well to each other, take turns, and share resources.

Children enjoying Music Time at Springfield Nursery https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203962725/b2c28270-4ad7-4f39-8fbf-972689a0da9a/content/ufig5_1_C.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>