Figure 1.4 Very wide nostrils, short columella, and no nasal tip cartilage support in a subject who had no nasal complaints

Figure 1.5 The base of the columella is widened by the flaring of the medial crura of the alar cartilages. This widening may or may not contribute to nasal blockage

Figure 1.6 A common appearance of a normal external nose

Figure 1.7 The left nasal valve of the subject in Figure 1.6 as seen on endoscopy. The short arrow points to the upper lateral cartilage and the long arrow to the septum

Figure 1.8 A ‘Breathe Right’ strip applied to the nose of the same subject. Note the resulting ballooning of the soft parts of the nasal walls

same subject, after application of the ‘Breathe Right’ strip. Note the wider nasal valve as compared to the one in Figure 1.7. The short arrow points to the upper lateral cartilage and the long arrow to the septum

Figure 1.10 A right nasal valve pictured during prolonged sniffing. Notice the collapse of the lateral nasal wall (short arrow) on the septum (long arrow)

nasal valve

Figure 1.12 A severe anterior and superior right septal deviation (short arrow) blocking access to the nasal valve. Note the crust (long arrow) due to the daily nose-picking that the patient practiced in his futile attempt to open up the right nasal cavity for better breathing. Chronic nose picking causes a squamous metaplasia of the respiratory epithelium. The new epithelium has no cilia and hence the normal secretions are not moved back; they stay in place, dry, and crust

Figure 1.13 A nasal papilloma on the inner surface of the right nasal ala. When the speculum is removed, the papilloma narrows the valve area enough to produce symptoms of blockage

Figure 1.15 The CT appearance of the left anterior septal dislocation (short arrow) from the vomer (long arrow) shown in Figure 1.14

Figure 1.16 Normally, the septal cartilage (short arrow) sits on a U-

Figure 1.17 A congested anterior tip of the right inferior turbinate narrowing the airway

Figure 1.18 A depressed nasal fracture in a patient who complained of left nasal blockage

depressed left nasal bone (short arrow) which narrows the airway of the patient in Figure 1.18. The long arrow points to the septum

Figure 1.20 A right anterior nasal stenosis in a patient with pemphigus. The short arrow points to the inner skin of the nasal ala and the long arrow to the septum

a septorhinoplasty