Figure 9.1 A small right posterior accessory maxillary ostium (short arrow). The long arrow points to the lower border of the middle turbinate

Figure 9.2 A larger right posterior accessory ostium (short arrow) lateral to the middle turbinate (long arrow)

Figure 9.3 the tail of the middle turbinate (long arrow)

Figure 9.4 A left posterior accessory ostium (short arrow) which may also be the natural ostium, as part of it is hidden by the lower part of the uncinate process (long arrow). The arrowhead points to the lower border of the middle turbinate

Figure 9.5 A small left maxillary anterior accessory ostium (short arrow). Note the uncinate process (long arrow) and the middle turbinate (arrowhead)

Figure 9.6 One small right maxillary anterior accessory ostium (short arrow) and a larger posterior accessory ostium (long arrow) seen in one field of vision. The arrow-head points to the lower part of the uncinate process which lies between the two ostia

Figure 9.7 A rare maxillary accessory ostium in the left inferior meatus (small arrow). The long arrow points to the inferior turbinate

Figure 9.8 A rare right maxillary accessory ostium (short arrow) apparent through the anterior part of the inferior turbinate. The long arrow points to the middle turbinate

Figure 9.9 A larger rare left accessory ostium (short arrow), in the same subject as in Figure 9.8, also apparent through the anterior part of the inferior turbinate. The long arrow points to the middle turbinate and the arrow-head to the septum

Figure 9.10 A left anterior ethmoid ostium seen in the upper anterior part of the right middle meatus (short arrow). The long arrow points to the undersurface of the right middle turbinate

Figure 9.11 An ostium (short arrow) of an agger nasi or anterior ethmoid cell. Note the middle turbinate and its polypoid mucosa (long arrow)

Figure 9.12 A right agger nasi ostium (short arrow) and an anterior ethmoid cell ostium (long arrow). The arrow-head points to the tip of the middle turbinate

Figure 9.13 A large ostium (short arrow) in the anterior part of the left bulla ethmoidalis. The long arrow points to the lateral surface of the left middle turbinate and the arrowhead to the uncinate process

Figure 9.14 An ostium (short arrow) on the lower part of a left concha bullosa. The long arrow points to the septum

Figure 9.15 A left concha bullosa ostium (short arrow) located laterally. The long arrow points to the inferior turbinate

Figure 9.16 The medial surface of a right concha bullosa with either a slit or an ostium (short arrow). The long arrow points to the septum

Figure 9.17 A large right sphenoid ostium (short arrow) seen between the middle turbinate (long arrow] and the septum (arrowhead)

Figure 9.18 A small right sphenoid ostium (short arrow) medial to the superior turbinate (long arrow). The arrow-head points to an ostium of a posterior ethmoid cell, just lateral to the superior turbinate

Figure 9.19 A left sphenoid ostium (short arrow) medial to a very thin supreme turbinate (long arrow) which lies close to the superior turbinate (arrowhead). Note the separate insertions of these two turbinates on the fovea ethmoidalis

Figure 9.20 A small ostium (short arrow) just lateral to the left uncinate process (long arrow). It could be either an anterior ethmoid cell ostium or an ostium of a pneumatized uncinate process. The arrowhead points to the middle turbinate