In this chapter we want to consider the choices which have been navigated by two of the 'ordinary' young men in our study: Luke and Jordan. In many ways they are very similar. Both are very strongly rooted in their family. Both have highly organized social lives - they belong to organizations which dominate their spare time: football/little league and Air Cadets. In many ways Jordan and Luke can be regarded as compliant and conformist young men who want to do well. As MacDonald (1997, p. 191) has indicated, 'young people in the 1990s tend to share quite conventional aspirations'. Luke and Jordan are interested in fitness, their families, their relationships (hetero) and in 'getting on' (Bynner et al., 1997). Both are motivated towards work and achievement and are positive about the need for and benefits of education. They are both kind-hearted and loving towards their families - both want to do well and not let their families down. Again, there are 'reciprocities' (Allatt, 1993) in play here.