It always seems that hair grows abundantly where it is not wanted and will not grow where desired. This is the dilemma of many dermatologists who are confronted with the male patient who desires more scalp hair, but wishes to eliminate his ear hair or the female patient who wants treatment for thinning scalp hair, while inquiring about decreasing her arm hair at the same visit. Hair growth is as big a challenge as hair removal. The previous two chapters have dealt with minimizing and camouflaging scalp hair loss. This chapter deals with minimizing hair growth on other body areas. It covers the techniques of wet shaving, dry shaving, plucking, waxing, depilatories, and electrolysis. It does not cover laser hair removal, since this is felt to be a discussion topic for an entire book. This chapter will deal with those techniques that are performed at home or in a hair salon not requiring the supervision of a physician.