The desired outcome when Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) has been confirmed is protection of the victim. This generally requires that Child protection service (CPS) place the victim in a protected setting, most often foster care. Case management and the tasks of ongoing risk assessment, planning, placement, visitation supervision are also more likely to be managed appropriately if these essential elements are used. After a suspected MBP case has been confirmed, new professionals may become involved in the case and/or the Multiagency-Multidisciplinary Team (MMT). The use of the MMT should be used as long as the child protective agency is involved. In addition to providing general consultation and detailed case planning and management recommendations, the expert should complete or assist in the completion of the initial victim risk assessment. Attorneys and others who may become part of the court case must receive correct MBP education about MBP basics and issues specifically related to their role.