The concept of risk assessment is familiar in child protection. Risk assessment tools developed for other forms of maltreatment, however, are rarely, if ever, appropriate for Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) cases. The MBP risk assessment work sheet should be used from the time of confirmation or provisional confirmation through the entire case. Along with correct MBP education and specific case details, the work sheet can be used to justify removing the victim or requesting authority to remove the victim from the control of the perpetrator. The risk assessment work sheet should be completed for each victim, suspected victim, possible victim, or potential victim immediately upon confirmation or provisional confirmation of MBP. MBP victims should not remain with or have anything except strictly supervised contact with perpetrators, or with anyone who might be influenced by the perpetrators. The purpose of the confrontation interview is to discuss the MBP allegations, inform the perpetrator that the child is now in protective custody.