One of the main kinds of rational connection sought in the analytic method was first stressed by Hegel. It is that within each stage of development there will be a dominant conflict of opposites, that will assume something like the following pattern. An initial principle appears that is typical of the stage. This generates a counterprinciple or opposite. At first these coexist and they do not interact. Once they begin to interact, their inherent antagonism manifests itself and a period of conflict begins. This is followed by the emergence of a third principle, which is the synthesis of the two previous conflicting principles. One illustration of this in Marx (1867) is the sequence: emergence of the petit bourgeois, or self-employed business owner; the petit bourgeois grows to the point at which they employ workers, creating a true

bourgeoisie, employing workers who to begin with coexist with their employers; the conflicting interests of the two become apparent after a while and a struggle between them begins; this struggle is resolved by socialism that absorbs both bourgeois and worker and creates a new kind of socialist citizen who is the basis for further development. The point about this is not whether it is true, but that it provides a simple, central, example of the analytic approach to development.