At present, there are four standard sets of Clauses for hulls in use, namely, the Institute Time Clauses Hulls, 1/10/83 (the ITCH(83));6 the Institute Time Clauses Hulls, 1/11/95 (the ITCH(95);7 and the Institute Voyage Clauses Hulls, 1/10/83 (the IVCH(83)) and the Institute Voyage Clauses Hulls 1/11/95 (the IVCH(95)).8 As will be seen, compared to the ITCH(83), the ITCH(95) are less favourable to the assured. All the Clauses are subject to English law and practice, and may be used only with the current Lloyd’s Marine Policy, (MAR 91)9 and the Institute of London Underwriters Companies Marine Policy Form (MAR 91),10 both of which are expressly declared to be subject to the ‘exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts, except as may be expressly provided herein to the contrary’. As can be seen, attached to each of the MAR 91 Form is a schedule in which the details relating to the insurance are to be inserted.