Considerable work has been done using electric fields to enhance heat transfer. Ohadi [1991] provides a survey of the technology in lay terms. Yabe et al. [1987] and Yabe [1991] provide an excellent discussion of the fundamentals of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) enhancement. Yabe [1991] provides particular focus on enhancement of condensation and boiling. The application of an electric field to a dielectric fluid will impose a body force (Fe ) on the fluid. This body force adds a term to the momentum equation and influences the fluid motion. It is important that the fluid be a dielectric—that is, not conduct an electric current. The body force (Fe ) used in the Navier–Stokes equations is described by the change of Helmholtz free energy for virtual work with the energy stored in the fluid by the electric fluid. As described by Panofsky and Phillips [1962], application of electric field strength E to a constant-temperature dielectric fluid of permittivity ∈ and density ρ results in Fe given by F e = ρ c E − 0.5 E 2 ∇ ε + 0.5 ∇ [ ρ E 2 ( ∂ ε ∂ ρ ) ] https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203017869/ad7a3d2e-98c7-4744-b815-65a29ae4191e/content/equ15_1.tif"/>