Be able to define giftedness in terms of Renzulli's three-ring model of giftedness and Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. Be able to describe the main research findings on gifted children concerning genetic and environmental factors in the genesis of giftedness, family backgrounds of gifted children and their psychological adjustment, and neurobiological aspects of giftedness. Understand Sternberg and Lubart's investment theory of creativity. Give an account of the main research findings on the stages of creativity, individual differences in creativity and the links between creativity and intelligence, personality, motivation and brain processes. Understand different conceptual models for explaining wisdom, including wisdom as the final stage of personality and cognitive development and balance theory of wisdom. Understand the clinical implications of research on giftedness, creativity and wisdom for facilitating happiness. Be able to identify research questions that need to be addressed to advance our understanding of giftedness, creativity and wisdom on the one hand and happiness on the other.