This chapter describes the main features and the diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa. It provides a brief summary of the epidemiology of BN, comorbidity and differential or additional diagnosis issues. The process of undertaking an assessment with the patient is then covered in some detail, including information on the usefulness of establishing a history of anorexia nervosa (AN), how to identify BN as the primary problem, suitability for the new treatment and advice on appropriate assessment measures. A detailed Clinical Interview Proforma is provided to help clinicians undertake the pre-treatment assessment. This covers the main areas in which information is required to undertake the new treatment.

As the brief portrait of Jessica in Chapter 1 suggests, bulimia nervosa is a serious mental health problem with signi®cant negative consequences for sufferers. Families and friends are often affected, and the burden in caring for sufferers can be high, particularly when the problem is long term.