D an has three active checkbooks, all from the same account. Hesimply grabs the one in view, since trying to find the most current one amid the mound of documents on his desk would be an all-day affair. “I haven’t balanced my checking account in over a year,” Dan says. “It’s a good thing I have a healthy balance and overdraft protection.” Going through his financial papers, Dan and his PO counted nine check registers, seven checkbooks from five accounts, and four years’ worth of bank statements. He also has five credit cards, three trust funds for grandchildren, and several retirement accounts. “I’m up to my ears in statements! I’m always paying extra late fees, and no matter how much I try, I can’t find a bill-paying system that I can stick with. I’m behind on my taxes. Every time I sit down to reconcile a statement or review my finances, I get overwhelmed or feel bored. I can feel my eyes glazing over, so I abandon the effort. Thank God I have a good income or we’d be in financial ruin.”