The Asellota, characterized by one or two free pleonites and the styliform uropods, include the largest stygobite families. The Asellidae (260 species) have two free short and narrow pleonites. The eyes are more or less reduced. Proasellus with 118 taxa is the largest genus. The Stenasellidae (3.5-25 mm) display two wide pleonites, and an antenna exopod. The Stenasellus genus contains about 30 species. The tiny Microcerberidae (0.62.5 mm) show two long pleonites. Coxicerberus (50 species) and Microcerberus are the most diversified genera. The dwarf Microparasellidae (0.6-2 mm) have one free pleonite. Microcharon (85 species) displays long uropods (Figure 1) (Coineau et al., 1994).