This chapter also introduces the student to the planning sheet, which is the basis for every type of writing presented throughout the course. The author has developed this planning sheet to help student's approach their writing assignments in a systematic way that reinforces the concept that writing is a strategic public relations activity involving planning, objectives and evaluation. Exercise 4.1 helps students systematically identify relevant publics. The chapter offers a first look at objectives for public relations writing, which will be used throughout the course. The author has chosen not to confuse students by associating tactical intentions (such as, "to produce a brochure") with the concept of objectives. Rather, objectives are defined as clear and measurable statements of the impact the writer intends to make vis-a-vis the intended public. This impact is stated in terms of awareness, acceptance and action. Exercise 4.2 gives students practice in writing public relations objectives. In Exercise 4.3, students get their first practice in writing planning sheets. The author has found this to be a crucial exercise that warrants sufficient feedback and practice to allow students to become competent with writing planning. A critique form for planning sheets may be helpful in evaluating student performance. See Planning Sheet Critique in the Critique Forms and Student Feedback section of this Instructor's :M:anual.