The last chapter is meant as an epilogue intended to locate the present CELA in the landscape of modern stereotype research. In the theoretical introduction in Chapter 2 we had compared our cognitive-environmental learning approach to the traditional, animistic approach to stereotyping, which stresses the role of beliefs and desires within the individual. Now, in the last chapter, we want to round up the integrative discussion of different theoretical approaches, comparing CELA with certain dominant paradigms of modern stereotype research. The focus thereby is on those prominent new developments that are not so much driven by an animistic meta-theory in terms of beliefs and desires but by the advent of new computer technologies and experimental tools imported from cognitive psychology to investigate priming effects and aspects of implicit memory. In particular, our epilogue revolves around the following points:

• We start the final discussion by briefly summarizing the ways in which CELA points to a whole class of stereotyping processes that are independent of individual’s motives.