Tolerancing, Tolerance Analysis, and Tolerance Stackups have been around in one form or

another for a long time. Sometime in the past, it became necessary to determine whether a

collection of parts would fit together before they were manufactured. A design team may

have needed to know how thin a part feature could become during manufacture, to

make sure the part would remain strong enough to work. They may have needed to know

how large a hole could be and how far it could be from its nominal position to make sure

there was enough surface contact to properly distribute the load from a fastener. Perhaps

the manufacturing team needed to understand why an assembly of parts that met the drawing

specifications did not fit together at assembly. By performing Tolerance Analysis and

Tolerance Stackups, these and many other important questions about the design can be

answered. Indeed that is why Tolerance Analysis and Tolerance Stackups are done-to provide

answers to questions. The techniques in this text will help you, the reader, understand your

tolerancing problems, answer your tolerancing questions and solve your tolerancing problems.