N ellie , enters from 1st entrance r. carrying scuttle o f coal. N e llie .—Oh ! dear! oh ! dear! (Putting scuttle down as she comes towards foot lights.) This is not work! Its down right drudgery! Staying up all night long, keeping up the fires, while Master and Mistress is gone to the Academy, to the Ball Maskwee. Fm sick of it. I know what a Ball is, for Fve been there myself, but what does Mask?/;ee mean. I should think it ought to be something very nice, to keep people out so late. Heigho! I wonder where that fellow is that caught my heart at the Varieties in Albany. I uon’t suppose I shall ever see him again, all these miles off. But he was a real nice chap! How beautiful he used to sing out his high B flat, as he used to call it Oh! he was what they calls a tenoroarum he w as! He told me that it all came out of his chest too. What a big chest it must have been to contain all that! Cook says that I looks redicklesome wandering all over the house in this here way, singing scratches of ballads that he learnt me. But what can I do ? I can’t sleep o’ nights for thinking on him, and I dreams all day about him.