Calva was born in Mexico City and attended the Iberoamericana University. He has published short stories in Comunidad (Community), La Palabra y el Hombre (The Word and the Man), and Tierra Adentro (Inland). He is currently working as a freelance writer for the Mexican newspapers Unomásuno (Oneplusone) and Vaso Comunicante (Communicating Vessel), and he is a regular contributor to the literary magazine Alta Fidelidad (High Fidelity). Calva lives in Washinghton, D.C., where he coordinates a narrative workshop and does research on contemporary music. His best-known books are Variaciones y fuga sobre la close media (Mexican Middle Class Diversities and Escape), published in 1980 by the University of Veracruz; Utopía gay (Gay Utopia), published in 1983 by Editorial Oasis; and El jinete azul (The Blue Horseman), published in 1985 by Editorial Katún.