This selective bibliography includes volumes, a few chapters, and some journals grouped under the following 19 headings: introductions to multicultural therapy and counseling; handbooks; works related to multicultural interventions; multicultural therapy and counseling; special populations and issues; multicultural therapy with children and adolescents; multicultural and international family therapy; the care of refugees and immigrants; the history of psychological healing in the West; psychopathology and mental health across cultures; transcultural psychiatry; culture and assessment; shamanism; altered states of consciousness; indigenous North American healing traditions; indigenous healing traditions in Latin America and the Caribbean; Asian and Oceanic healing traditions; Western psychology and Asian traditions; African and Islamic healing traditions, psychotherapy, and counseling; and selected journals. A variety of disciplines and traditions of inquiry (and fields) are represented, including medical anthropology, psychological and cultural anthropology, cross-cultural psychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, abnormal psychology, health psychology, family psychology, transcultural psychiatry, alternative medicine, the history of medicine, religious studies, and area studies. Readers may also wish to consult the extensive bibliography included in U. P. Gielen, J. M. Fish, & J. G. Draguns (Eds.). (2004). Handbook of culture, therapy, and healing (pp. 389–400). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.