Where do we stand now and what next? This book has covered a wide ground. On the one hand, I examined the theoretical issues involved in human development, family, and culture interfaces; on the other hand, I delved into applications designed to induce change. I attempted to bridge the gap between theory and application by presenting early intervention in general and the Turkish Early Enrichment Project (TEEP) as a case in point, as well as examining the implications of immigration and acculturation research. In this final chapter, I summarize what I have done and further attempt to verify my theoretical formulations of the development of the self and of human competence in the (changing) family. I also discuss emerging perspectives from TEEP and immigration/acculturation work and use these perspectives and research results as guidelines for drawing policy-relevant conclusions. In providing a synopsis and integration of the main points discussed in the previous chapters, I follow more or less the same order as in the presentation of the chapters.