The general power of the Assembly, as defined in Part II of the Act, is to ‘do anything which it considers will further any one or more of its principal purposes, which are defined as being: (a) promoting economic development and wealth creation in Greater London; (b) promoting social development in Greater London; and (c) promoting the improvement of the environment in Greater London. In deciding whether or how to exercise these powers, the Authority must comply with the general principles of exercising power so as to also further the remaining principal purpose(s) and securing, over a period of time, a reasonable balance between furthering each of its principal purposes, and have regard to the effect of its exercise of power on the health of persons in Greater London and the achievement of sustainable development in the United Kingdom, and shall act in such a way as to promote these objectives, unless such action would ‘not reasonably practicable in all the circumstances of the case’. The Secretary of State may issue guidance to the Authority in relation to the above general power.95 The requirements of consultation with London councils and representative voluntary bodies and interest groups are defined in section 32. Functions conferred on the Authority are exercisable by the Mayor acting on behalf of the Authority. All functions conferred on the Mayor acting on behalf of the Authority, or on the Authority alone, or on the Mayor and Authority jointly are exercisable only by the Mayor acting on behalf of the Authority, subject to any express provision to the contrary in the Act. Section 38 makes provision for the delegation of functions exercisable by the Mayor to designated bodies.