W.A. Lessa, Tales from Ulithu Atoll, 1961; W.A. Lessa and E.Z. Vogt (eds.), Reader in Comparative Religion, 1965; G. van der Leeuw, Phanomenologie der Religion, 1933; C.H. Long, Alpha: The Myths o f Creation, 1969; R.H. Lowie, Primitive Religion, 1922; Mythology, 1972; S. Miceli, Stnittura e senso del Mi to, 1973; J. Middleton (ed.), Myth and Cosmos, 1967; W.M. Muller, Egyptian Mythology, 1928; J.A. MacCulloch, Eddie Mythology, 1930; G. Nioradze, Der Schamanismus bei den Sibirischen Volkern, 1925; A. Ohlmarks, Studien zum Problem der Schamanismus, 1939; S.I. Reno, “Myth in Profile”, 1973; R. Pettazzoni, “The Truth of Myth”, 1950; Pettazzoni, Essays on the History o f Religion, 1954; J. Piaget, La naissance de Intelligence chez I 'enfant, 1936; Piaget, The Child’s Conception o f the World, 1929; A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, Structure and Function in Primitive Society, 1952; P. Radin, Primitive Religion, 1924; Radin, Primitive Man as Philosopher, 1927; H.J. Rose, A Handbook o f Greek Mythology, 1959; J.S. Scott, Indochinese Mythol­ ogy, 1928; B. Spencer and F.J. Gillen, The Northern Tribes o f Central Austra­ lia, 1904 [Cf. Spencer and Gillen, The Native Tribes o f Central Australia, 1899]; Spencer and Gillen, The Arunta, 1927; C. Strehlow, Die Aranda und Loritja Stamme in Zentral Australien, 1908; T.G.H. Strehlow, Aranda Tradi­ tions, 1957; T.A. Sebeok (ed.), Myth: A Symposium, 1958; W.E.H. Stanner, “The Dreaming”, 1956; W. Schmidt, Der Ur sprung der Gottesidee, 1926-55; E. Seler, Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur amerikanischen Sprach-und Altertumskunde, 1902-23; E. Ten Raa, “The Genealogical Method in The Analysis of Myth and Structural Model”, 1971; S. Thompson, The Folktale, 1946; Thompson, Motifindex o f Folk Literature, 1951-58; H. Tegnaeus, Le her os civilisateur, 1950; E.O.G. Turville-Petre, Myth and Religion o f the North, 1964; J. de Vries, Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte, 1957; P. Wirz, Die Marind-Anim von Hollandisch Sud-Neu-Guinea, v. II and III, 1922-26; (coll.), Bogi. Brachmani, Liudi, 1969; H. Wallon, Ot dejstvya k mysli, 1956; J.E. Go­ losovker, Skazanya o titanakh, 1958; R.V. Kinzhalov, Kultura drevnikh majja, 1971 [see the bibliographic article by E. Lozano, “Indian Religion and Mythol­ ogy, I: Indians of Mexico, the Mayas and the Aztecs”, 1986]; E.S. Kotljar, M if i skazka Afriki, 1975; M. Leon-Portilla, Filosoflja nagua, 1961 [On Nahua relig­ ion and cosmology, see L.M. Burkhart, The Slippery Earth, 1989; J. Taggart, Nahual Myth and Social Structure, 1983]; M.E. Matje, Drevneegipetskie mify, 1956; E.M. Pinus, “Drevnie mify japonskogo naroda”, 1961; Pinus, Kodziki - zapisi o delakh drevnostej, 1972; S. Radhakrishnan, Indyskaja filosoflja, 195657; G. Thomson, Pervye filosofy, 1959; I. Trencsenyi-Waldapfel, Mifologija, 1959; Te Rangi Hiroa, Moreplavateli solnechnogo vostoka, 1950; Yuan Ke, Mify drevnego Kitaj a, 1965.