This chapter reviews writings related to the connections between newspapers-and a few selected other mass media-and Latino political life in the United States. Many of the works provide invaluable insights that support our basic proposition on the importance of studying media for better understanding Latino politics in this country. The first part of the chapter presents writings that illuminate the politics and the political functions of Latino-oriented newspapers both past and present. The second part points to discussions on the strategic use of media by political parties seeking Latino votes. The third part of the chapter provides a detailed and critical analysis of survey research that has studied relationships between Latinos’ exposure to, or use of, mass media and their political orientations, behaviors, attitudes, etc. In some of the literature reviewed, the respective authors have clearly and directly established the political contributions of the mass media. In other works, the mediapolitics connections are stated only implicitly. Altogether, this chapter provides a panoramic view of the literature on the subject of political communication with respect to Latinos in the United States.