Every day, students make decisions that affect their ability to complete a degree. They weigh some of these choices carefully, such as which college to attend. Yet they underestimate the impact of many other choices, such as whether to drop a course or accept more hours at work, not understanding the cumulative effect these decisions might have on their likelihood of completing a degree. Information on the consequences of student choices can help institutions refine their counseling interventions and other programs to better influence students to make decisions that improve their chances of persistence. The data presented in this chapter will demonstrate that, by working long hours and studying part-time, students not only lengthen their time-to-degree, but also increase their likelihood of dropping out. Given that more than half of all undergraduates attend college part-time and 80% work while enrolled (U.S. Department of Education, 2002), it is crucial that institutions understand and confront the effects of student choices on academic success.