We are always and suddenly in a time of crisis. New manifestations of violence and torture puncture the American womb, only to discover a growing fetus that resembles the same demons locked in deadly combat with the family itself. We take pride in these creations, these reproductions. Remember when we detected a rugged spirit of American-style independence and struggle for freedom in the Mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan who were resisting the tyranny of communism in the 1980s? We nurtured that spirit, helped it to mature and grow into our own likeness. Heroes support heroes. There, in the hills of Nicaragua, Angola, Afghanistan, we could sense the pride and passion of democracy, the next wave of freedom born from the American spirit. For hundreds of years now, the ramifications of these imperial projects have been global in nature-the French and Germans in Africa, the Spanish Armada, the United States in the Philippines, struggles against colonialism in Haiti, Japan, India, and so on.