My goal in this chapter is to demonstrate that countless consumption acts are specific instantiations of the four most elemental Darwinian modules that drive purposive behavior. Specifically, I highlight how many consumption phenomena can be subsumed within the reproductive, survival, kin selection, and reciprocation modules (see the table of contents of Buss, 2005, for a similar breakdown of key Darwinian systems). Hence, the current taxonomy was generated using ultimate-based theorizing and empirical findings across countless species (including humans). Other evolutionists have come up with slightly different classifications of ultimate goals. For example, Kenrick et al. (2002) list six such social goals, these being coalition formation, status, self-protection, mate choice, relationship maintenance, and parental care. That said, the latter six goals could be subsumed within the four elemental Darwinian modules discussed in the current chapter. I begin with the reproductive module.