In spite o f the enorm ous growth o f im portance o f m acroeconom ic and m icroeconom ic accounting to every day life in a m odern econom y, in the tw entieth century, m uch o f the developm ent in m icroeconom ic theory v irtually ignores the im portan t problem s raised by m icroeconom ic accounting. In contrast the m acroeconom ists, being close to policym akers have had to link their developm ent o f theory with the evolution o f the m ethods o f m acroeconom ic accounting. At this point in tim e, it appears tha t the m icroeconom ists have the logically m ore satisfactory theories with fewer facts and the m acro­ econom ists have poorer theories, yet great interest and influence in how governm ent inform ation on both the public and private sectors is gathered.