You are of average intelligence and you understand the questions asked of you if they are concrete and specific. You become very confused about what to say in response to abstract questions. For example, if asked what you like to do, you become confused. If asked what music you like to listen to, you easily list out titles of your favorite songs. You are very passive and never initiate conversation during the interview but you attempt to answer any questions from the interviewer. You always speak slowly, and your responses are vague and tangential to the question you are answering. You don’t like to look people in the eye because it makes you feel uncomfortable. You prefer to look down in your lap or at the ground when you are talking. You don’t think much about yourself and how you live. You are poorly groomed and you don’t bathe often. As a result, your skin is itchy and you frequently scratch yourself. If asked why you are scratching, you are vague and say things like, “Everyone scratches, you have to scratch.”