Atfect is a prevalent concept in contemporary psychology. However, it is also a relatively new concept in psychology. Before 1960 "affect" appeared in only 175 publication titles. The number increased first gradually (923 references between 1960 and 1980) and then exponentially (4.170 citations between J 980 and 2000 in PsychiNFO). Tn the 1960s, affect became an established concept in attitude research. For example, Rosenberg ( 1956) introduced the concept (11/ilitdinal affect, and it became popular to distinguish an allcctive component of altitudes from its cognitiYe and behavioral counterparts. At the same time the term affect was increasingly used in the slowly developing area of emotion research. For example, Tomkins (1962, 1963) published two influential volumes on affect, and Zuckerman and colleagues published a widely used mood measure called the "Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist" (MAACL) (e.g., Zuckerman & Lubin, 1965).